DJ Mashup Service to Create Custom Mashups

DJ Mashup Service to Create Custom Mashups that fit into beatgridsOur mashups always fit into a beatgrid, because we fully BPM edit the original tracks before producing the mashup for you. This means that you'll be able to mix in and out of your new mashup at any point during playback, which is often not the case for a lot of mashups and edits from producers and DJ pools.

By commissioning us to create a mashup for you, you're able to tell us what you want from the final mix of two tracks of your choice. We'll return the mashup in the format of your choice (mp3, flac, WAV, etc.). In the unlikely event that you'd like a revision, we'll happily make your changes as long as your revision request is made 7 days after we deliver your mashup.

All work is guaranteed 100% Satisfaction, and we try to complete work within 48 hours of receiving your files on week days.

Mashups created by experienced producers

We've been working with DJs' music files since 2008 in various ways through Warping Ableton (site still live) and WarpMyMusic (sadly no longer with us). We've been editing and producing music for the majority of our adult lives. Finally, we're trusted by 1000s of DJs worldwide.

Brought to you by Warping Ableton and Warp My Music

Commission mashup of two downloaded/CD tracks released after year 2000 - $19.43 USD per mashup

What is mastering & key discovery?

Mastering brings all your music files to the same level dynamically without damaging or clipping the audio. It also finds the key of your tracks for harmonic mixing.
Commission mashup of two tracks with one or more featuring live musicians or released before year 2000 - $32.40 USD per mashup

What is mastering & key discovery?

Mastering brings all your music files to the same level dynamically without damaging or clipping the audio. It also finds the key of your tracks for harmonic mixing.