Traktor Beatgrid Service for Traktor DJs

Traktor Beatgrid Service for perfect automationOur Beatgrid Service for Traktor DJ's has developed into a fine art. We precisely set the beatgrids in Traktor by ear (not eye), ensuring that you get pin-point precision in every beatgrid for seamless automated mixing in Traktor.

BPM Editing Considerations: Was your music produced before the year 2000? Was it recorded with live musicians or recorded from a vinyl record? If the answers to these questions are yes, then your music will need some BPM Editing before it can be precisely put into a beatgrid in Traktor.

If the answers are no, then your music can have beatgrids set on it right now.

How it works!

All work is guaranteed 100% Satisfaction, and we try to complete work within 24 hours of receiving your files on week days.

What you get back

You'll get back BPM locked music files with their beatgrids set very accurately on each track. Just download them and load them into Traktor. It's that simple!

This service works with both Traktor Pro and Traktor Pro 2.

Brought to you by Warping Ableton and Warp My Music

Beatgrid Tracks for Traktor - Produced after 2000 - $1.15 USD per track
Beat grid your music in Traktor with this beat gridding service!
Beatgrid your tracks in Traktor!

Why add cue points?

We'll add cue points (sometimes called hot cue points) at key important points throughout the track. You can use these cue points to jump to important parts of the track instantly and seamlessly during your performance, e.g. skip to the break down early or instantly jump to the point where the track really kicks off -- or flick back and forth between points to tease your audience.

What is mastering & key discovery?

Mastering brings all your music files to the same level dynamically without damaging or clipping the audio. It also finds the key of your tracks for harmonic mixing.
BPM Edit Service with Traktor - $8.41 USD per track

Fix bad timing in music with this time correction service!
Edit timing of music for fix unsteady BPM and then beatgrid it in Traktor.

What is time editing?

Some music will not work well with Traktor's beat grid, making it difficult for Traktor to understand it's imperfect timing. Often recordings that are live, were produced using older studio technology (before the year 2000) or taken from vinyl can't be beat gridded accurately throughout. Common genres with beat gridding problems are: disco, funk, jazz, rock, blues, folk and just about anything that isn't electronic.

Modern electronic music is different from these types of audio recordings, it has been made in a digital studio environment that sequences tracks to be pin-point precise. Usually, older music hasn't been made this way, and live music is at the mercy of the musicians at the time of recording; both causing bad timing that confuses a computer system.

How it works!

We try to complete work within 72 hours of receiving your files on week days.

What you get back

You'll receive replacement time edited files that have their grids set and are ready to automate in Traktor!


Due to the time consuming nature of the time editing process, the initial cost covers the first 5 minuites of audio. We reserve the right to request £1 per extra minute for tracks that are over 5 minutes long, but please note that there will be no hidden charges, as we will make our request before we carry out the work.

Why add cue points?

We'll add cue points (sometimes called hot cue points) at key important points throughout the track. You can use these cue points to jump to important parts of the track instantly and seamlessly during your performance, e.g. skip to the break down early or instantly jump to the point where the track really kicks off -- or flick back and forth between points to tease your audience.

What is mastering & key discovery?

Mastering brings all your music files to the same level dynamically without damaging or clipping the audio. It also finds the key of your tracks for harmonic mixing.
Record Vinyl Tracks & Beatgrid in Traktor - $10.36 USD per track

Record vinyl records to digital music file!
Record vinyl tracks to any file format, then time edit them, and finally beatgrid them for perfect automation. No return postage included.

Why add cue points?

We'll add cue points (sometimes called hot cue points) at key important points throughout the track. You can use these cue points to jump to important parts of the track instantly and seamlessly during your performance, e.g. skip to the break down early or instantly jump to the point where the track really kicks off -- or flick back and forth between points to tease your audience.

What is mastering & key discovery?

Mastering brings all your music files to the same level dynamically without damaging or clipping the audio. It also finds the key of your tracks for harmonic mixing.