Learn to DJ

How to use Practice Mode in Serato DJ

This Serato video tutorial explains how to use practice mode, and showcases some vital keyboard controls.

Serato's new 2018 release, Serato DJ, includes Practice Mode that enables DJs to practice their mixing with little else but their laptop and a set of headphones. This wasn't previously available with Serato, and it lowered the entry level for espiring DJs to give the DJ software a try, before having to invest heavily in hardware.

What is DVS DJ Software?

DVS DJ Software explained!

DVS stands for Digital Vinyl System, and it first surfaced back in 2001 with a package called Final Scratch. It's a techology that allows DJs to use classic DJ tools such as turntables or CD decks to play music from their laptop (instead of playing vinyl records or CDs).

How does it work?

It works with specific vinyl records and CDs that don't hold any music, but instead give off audio signals to tell the DVS DJ software where on the record/CD the deck is playing at any time. This enables the computer to play the audio file from it's memory at the exact point in the track that the deck is playing the record or CD.

Free DJ lesson video on how to beatmatch using any DJ tool!

DJ TLM has put together this awesome video to teach the process of beatmatching in detail for DJs that want to learn to beatmatch using any DJ tools.

The sync button is very powerful and we thought that beatmatching would slowly become a dying skill, but we're learning that many digital djs are still interested in learning how to beatmatch properly as it completes their skillset.

2 Ways to Create a Fade to Grey DJ effect in Ableton 10

Joshua Casper's inspiring video showcases the power of Ableton Live's built in effects to create a "Fade to Grey" effect using Ableton Live's standard effects units using an effect rack.

Performance is everything, and learning how to construct your own DJ effect combinations could be the difference between your DJ performance and those of your competition.

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